Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cadillacs WIN!!!!! (Finalmente!!)

Yesterday was the second weekend of games in the Spring League here in Buenos Aires. The Cadillacs met Aqua on the field at 11 am for a fierce battle which the Cadillacs had lost the past two times the teams had met. It was a beautiful day to play Ultimate with a sunny sky and just enough wind to push the disc a little too far out of bounds when you couldn't get to it before your opposing teammate.
We began the game with a strong lead and I caught the first point! We had a great flow and we were fresh from a practice teaching us the new horizontal stack (well, new for us). It was working well. Towards half time we still held a strong lead but we were getting tired. We had about five subs which is a good and a bad thing. We couldn't get as many breaks as we maybe needed, but keeping that many players on the field consistently helps keep things moving smoothly. You know where you player is going to run, or how they might throw it. You also get really winded.
After half time, Aqua closed up the gap and we were only leading by one or two points at a time. Male frustrations were building, while I just wanted somebody to win so I could stop running and eat my choripan!! We scored one more point to bring the score to 14-13 and fought hard to keep the disc. We were three quarters of the way up the field when Felipe knelt to throw long to Diego, who was running up the side like the devil was on his tail. In slow motion, Paulo and I screamed together, "Felipe....NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" As we turned our eyes to follow the disc we saw Diego launch into one of his famous lay outs and he jumped many feet into the air and caught the disc as he flew forward. Miraculously he landed in the end zone and Paula and I screamed in unison, "¡SI!¡ SI!¡SI!" We rushed Diego who was the happiest I've ever seen him and all frustrations from the game were forgotten in the very important victory. We ARE BACK!!