Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tragic Information

This article from the Washington Post: http: http: // was sent to me by Megan Overbey. It contains the tragic news that the time for a tradition of lean grass fed juicy free-range delicious beef is "waning." More and more of Argentina's beef is passing through feed lots as many of the Pampa's pastures make the transition into Agricultural fields growing a more competitive crop: soy. The government artificially created the high price of soy when they severely limited exportation of Argentine beef (its like they don't want their country to pull itself out of the economic hole that seems to have become a permanent fixture for most of the population) and kept prices artificially low. On the other hand, if Argentines were allowed to export to their hearts content there would be no beef left in Argentina. A quandary if I ever saw one. Anyway, you can still get the traditional grass fed beef at certain restaurants and in the provinces, but one business man in the article projects that in five years sixty percent of the cows in Argentina will pass through feed lots. Poor cows...

Sad cows....

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