Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weekend Update

Thought I would give an update on the happenings down here while I wait for Josh to wake up and for my Grey's Anatomy to load. This week marks several exciting occasions. Tuesday was our one month Anniversary with Buenos Aires. I think so far we make a good couple. I also finished my class this week and was one of three out of twelve people to graduate with distinction! That is the highest honor you can graduate with from EBC, so I feel much better about never receiving an honor on my diploma from GWU. On Thursday after Frisbee, the team switched up the Thursday night pizza ritual and instead we made Taco Fish as Emilio called it. Fish tacos turned out to be the best idea ever and as I sat on the floor consuming my third I was so happy to be surrounded by this random group of people that I have come to be so fond of. The crowd was mostly American students studying abroad, but we ate at Emilio's apartment and two of the Colombians were there too. These people are the nicest and most genuine group I have met in so long! When the night suddenly turned into a dance party (of course we were not happy with the two hours of exercise we had just gotten, we had to dance now) I took a sit down break to have some water. Annie, one of the Americans, motioned to me and forced me to not exclude myself. Next thing I know there are shots of vile Tequila being handed out, and after realizing it was 2 am I left with another girl who lives in San Telmo to go home and get some much needed sleep.
Last night the party continued but this time with EBC friends. After Josh and I had a quiet and delicious dinner at home, we met up with friends at Ted and Andy's place. After the beer ran out around 1:30 we decided it was time to go to a bar. Turns out the place was extortionate (my new favorite British word) at 15 pesos for chopp or draft beer. Yes I know this is only US$5, but here it is extortionate. So we hopped in three cabs to rush over to a club called Crobar (hehe, we loved the name, very clever porteños) to make it in by 3am. Zoe, one of the British girls from my class whose boyfriend is Argentine, and her boyfriend were able to get all of us in for free and after a quick Cubra Libre to wake myself up we danced the night way until five am to techno beat with overtones of a sexy female voice saying really silly things in English. I wish I could remember what the lyrics were. I could have danced well into the morning, but Josh (ever so sensible) pointed out that all of our friends were leaving and that we needed to go to bed. After a short cab ride later we did just that.
So far I've had a lovely morning waiting for Josh to wake up. I ran downstairs to grab some pastries for breakfast (I guess we are well into lunchtime right now), and on my way to get more coffee I walked by the restaurant caddy corner to our place. Recognizing one of the waiters I say Hola, qué tal, and we proceeded to have this lovely little exchange in Spanish. I felt so at home and like I was becoming a part of the neighborhood! Anyway, looks like a nice day for Frisbee if Josh would ever wake up. Love and miss you all!!

1 comment:

Ann Behar said...

Julia, I am exhausted just reading about your lives there! Exhausted, but happy.