Thursday, June 18, 2009


I, too, must apologize for my absence from blogosphere, but I have a good excuse...or two. First of all, I've been on nanny duty taking care of Julia and Manzi. Thankfully Julia's health has improved, and Manzi's penchant for taking care of her business everywhere but where I want her to has lessened, but the latter still needs a LOT of work. It's hard for me to stay mad at her when she gives me those big puppy eyes right after I scold her for taking a dump next to our bed - she's just so darn cute! (In case you were wondering, I am still talking about Manzi). Either way, she is the topic of a yet to be finished blog post that I started, oh, almost a month ago. Speaking of unfinished posts, I just recently got more artwork on another post I started a while back but did not want to put up without visual evidence of my claims, so hopfully I can get back to that one, too. But now that I've thrown myself back into LSAT studying, have gotten more and more into my book (War and Peace), and combined with my constant desire to remain aprised of issues pertaining to news, entertainment and sports, the time I can devote to sitting down and writing a good blog post has dwindled if I want to remain at least an outwardly social person. I feel like an addict who keeps telling those around him he can change but reverts to the old habit when I say that I'm going to try and write more. Just give me time, I have ideas for posts, it's just about me getting around to writing them. For now, know that all is well, I'm legal for another 3 months (Uruguay blog post coming!), and I'm happy. So until my next substantial posting, hope everyone has a great weekend and happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

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