Thursday, October 15, 2009


Julia has already got you up to speed on our perilous return home from Córdoba, but here are some of the highlights of the long weekend.
Before I get into the pictures, one quick note: Many of my students hail from either the city or province of Córdoba, so I asked them for any ideas for our trip. I got some good tips, but by far the best was one from my student Carlos, who informed me of a special quirk of cordobeses - they are notorious for giving out-of-towners bad directions. Intentionally. And without mercy. I told Julia, and she got a kick out of it, but I forget to clue-in the other travelers on the secret. Fast forward to Sunday, when blog favorite Alex leaves UltiFest after his team is done for the day to go buy a return ticket from Córdoba to Buenos Aires. He was attempting to avoid being forced into buying the most expensive bus as he did on the way there since he waited until the last second, but for some reason he couldn't remember exactly where the station was or how to get back. So what did he do? He asked a cordobes. Big mistake. 2 hours later, he returned to UltiFest after having walked 120 cordobes blocks. Oops. Sorry again, Alex.
Ok, to the photos!

As you can see, I met my church/cathedral quota for the year. Córdoba owes it's existence to Jesuit missionaries who settled it in the late 16th century, eventually creating the first university in Argentina. Hopefully Julia will put up and describe the interior of one of the churches, it was super cool.

Another thing about Córdoba - it's rreeeaaally dry. Now, that didn't stop it from interrupting the last game of the day on Saturday with gusting winds and torrential downpours, but it was still pretty damn dry in comparison to the heavy air of Capital Federal. Here are a few example of the sequía, or dryness:

The "river" that runs through the city.

Not so lush park that did afford us a nice view of the city.

The field behind Julia was the greenest on the premises. UltiFest's field was a dust bowl straight out of The Grapes of Wrath.

Cacti - the essential of any dry place.

Here are some funny advertisements and signs from the mean streets of Córdoba.

Crude, but effective. Maybe that's why plastic surgery is so cheap in Argentina.

It wouldn't be an authentic Argentine city without Homer!

In all fairness, the "l" is missing from this one, but it's still funny.

The following pictures are all from the plaza next to the large cathedral that you'll recognize from earlier photos. By the time we wandered up there from the "river" it was nearing 6:00, and a large crowd had gathered around one of the only places fountains in the city with water. Said fountain put on a low-budget but all around nice show, with music and lights included. But the cooler thing for me was the "Trash as Art" exhibition they had up, which consisted of bottle-caps acting like mulch in circles around the trees and in various designs in the plaza. Some were mono-chromatic, others a mixed-bag of blue, green, orange, yellow, or red bottle-caps, but either way they looked really cool and I dug the making garbage in to art aspect for green purposes. That is, as long as they don't toss all the bottle-caps into a dump after the exhibition ends.

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