Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ted's Despedidia

Despedidia, a party in celebration of a person you know who is leaving...

I've attended these parties before, but never the party of someone so beloved as Ted Vander-Linden. He was a beloved friend, housemate, drinking buddy, and schoolmate to me, and one of the first people I met in this crazy country. Wait, he's not dieing, he's just going back to the states! So we celebrated him...
the night in pictures:

The boys wait for the bus together...for possibly the last time

Me and my hairdresser/roommate/friend/Spanish teacher/cooking teacher Gabi

The whole gang is together, even if we're not all in the photo
from left to right: Mike, Ted, Jessica, Jeremy, Me, Santi

We arrive at Living, a bar meant to be like your living room but so much cooler. Erin's friend had the good fortune to visit while this night was happening

Mi rey

Ulises con Josh

And the dancing begins. 90's throw backs!! No news here, its all we listen to when Ulises is playing DJ at home...but at least we know all the words!

And then I am suddenly accosted by a French guy in a diaper and a German in a toga...

what we look like with out flash...so chic

And Nick arrives!!!
so different these two

Crazy eighties videos bring smiles to our faces

Ted's a baller, he buys cheap wine for all!

We leave Living for Ted's favorite: Rock and Beer. A bar run by a pirate which serves those two things, ROck and Beer. Mike and Ted are inexplicably drawn to the place no matter how far they wander away. No one but them wants to go, so we go anyway. Outside the super pancho place next door (where blog veterans Juliana and Austin had their first kiss) Ulises steals my camera and gets artsy.

Santi disappears, and we are all that is left after a night of debauchery

We arrive home, Ted falls asleep and his nipple falls out

Josh is mad that I'm taking such nice photos of him!

So the night was crazy, it was fun, and we went to bed at 7 am, a successful night indeed. When we woke up in the morning Ted was already gone, and left nothing but a cookbook with a very silly message, when I find it I'll put it on here.
Ted, we will miss you...but we'll see you when you get home from Patagonia, your beard better be down to your collar bone by then.


Ann Behar said...

Wow, can Ulises do your hair like that every day? It looks amazing!!!

Julia said...

i wish

Ted said...

subject line in julia and josh's blog? finnnaallly

Reed said...

Great "Al Bundy" from Josh in the ultima foto.

Anonymous said...

the gravity pull of rock and beer is so strong I bet ted can even feel it right now in patagonia